Saturday, October 15, 2011

A plan starts to take shape

I’m a tad obsessive, I admit it. At least about things that matter to me. And I am finally going to take the trip to Rome that I have been thinking about for years and years and years.
I was about two-thirds of the way through planning a trip in 2003 when the bottom dropped out – the company I worked for got sold to another company who promptly turfed out about 30% of the staff – which percentage included me. The next 18 months of my life saw me spend almost every penny of my savings while contracting until I found a new employment home on November of 2004. It took most of the next 6 years to get my finances back in order – my only vacations during this time have been trips to family and one three-day excursion to take a class in New York. That trip saw the demise of my only good suitcase – the handle came off halfway up a flight of stairs out of the subway in Queens. Nightmare. And I felt very sad about not “going places”.
But then the end of 2010 came around and I noticed with surprise that my poor tattered savings account had actually managed to end the year with a net gain and I went “Aha” and said to myself “Let’s see how much we can save by June.”
The upshot is that with diligent pennywatching and despite an Easter Sunday trip to the ER with a horribly gashed hand, June ended with enough to cover airfare and lodgings and a light went on in my heart.
Knowing that I a> could not afford the high season in Rome and b> did not want to cope with crowds and heat anyway – it’s truly not sour grapes, I do not love the heat, I decided to aim for late winter.
So, Rome being Rome, I knew that the most expensive part of the trip could well be accommodations so I started my research.

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